Wednesday, March 10, 2010


No one rules ! Everything's so great here that we don't need no ruler. Our 2 branches of government are Freedom Branch & Fun Branch. I, Martrell, is over the Fun Branch. Dillon Is over the Freedom Branch. We weren't what you may want to call "Elected". Since we have founded this wonderful Place, we feel that we are qualified enough to run this Place & it had worked very well so far. We have 10 Laws: 1. No Robbery, Burglary,etc. 2. No racial discrimination. 3. No segregation or discrimination because of an individual's religion. 4. No homosexuality. 5. No wars within the Place; no wars period, we plan to be a peaceful place so there will be no need for wars. If we happened to get bombed or threatened by another country we, me & dillon, shall travel to their country & negotiate with their leaders. 6. Men must handle their responsibilites whatever they may be. 7. Women may work as they please but no prostitution. 8. No murder. 9.Have fun. 10. Be free.

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